Tanya - Jawab buat Pak Andi Mallarangeng

Selasa, 15 September 2009

This is an open letter to Mr. Andi Mallarangeng. Unfortunately, i do not have his email address and my Indonesian is prohibitive to writing letters to important people. I'm wondering if anyone could help me translating the questions below for Mr. Mallarangeng.


Dear Mr. Andi Mallarangeng,

Thank you for your kind attention and I appreciate your time in answering these questions.

I understand you are a very busy man so I will make this brief.

a) Is the President aware of the escalating hostility between the KPK and the Police?

b) Is the President aware that regardless of the outcome of these legal proceedings, the political implication of the hostility will drastically alter Indonesian judicial system and its commitments to eradicating corruption in post-reformasi Indonesia?

c) Is the President fully aware that drastically altering Indonesian commitments to eradicating corruption – a nominally constitutionally mandated policy - is beyond the jurisdiction and authority of the Police Headquarter?

d) Does President SBY have a specific direction as to what his idea of change will be? With significant changes to both the commission and the anti corruption court, does the President care to specify any indications as to what his desired policy would look like?

When President SBY and Vice President Elect Boediono said (many times during the campaign) "reformasi birokrasi" and "integritas hukum" - Were they reforming to this Reform? Is this a planned strategy? If not, why is there no effort to stop it?

e) Did the President, at any time consult with any member of the other branch of the government –DPR/MK/MA ? (as an additional questions, are the leadership of Partai Demokrat aware of this?)

f) Do you (and other members of the Presidents close advisers) think you have given the President the best advice you could? Do you care to name other able persons advising the Presidents in this matter?

Lastly, as a matter of curiousity, how many days so far in 2009 the President have spent in his residential address in Cikeas? I seem to remember during the heights of the Reformasi era, Indonesian leaderships agreed to start a new tradition afresh where Presidents rule from the palace and the media will no longer refer to the base of power at his private household. I wonder if you care to comment on this.

Best regards,

Fello Citizen

Yth. Bpk. Andi Mallarangeng,

Terimakasih atas perhatian Anda dan Saya hargai pengorbanan waktu Anda dalam menjawab pertanyaan berikut.

Saya memahami bahwa Anda amat sibuk, jadi Saya akan singkat saja.

a) Apakah presiden menyadari adanya perselisihan yang semakin meningkat antara KPK dan Kepolisian?

b) Apakah Presiden menyadari bahwa apapun hasil dari proses hukum yang terjadi, implikasi politis dari perselisihan ini akan secara drastis mengubah Sistem Peradilan Indonesia dan komitmennya terhadap pemberantasan korupsi Indonesia Pasca-Reformasi?

c) Apakah Presiden menyadari penuh bahwa mengubah komitmen Indonesia terhadap pemberantasan korupsi - yang secara konstitusional diwajibkan- adalah diluar yurisdiksi dan kekuasaan Mabes Polri?

d) Apakah Presiden SBY memiliki tujuan/arah khusus tentang perubahan apa yang diinginkannya? Dengan perubahan signifikan terhadap KPK dan Tipikor, apakah Presiden mau menjelaskan indikasi-indikasi seperti apa kebijakan yang diinginkannya?

Ketika Presiden SBY dan Wapres terpilih Boediono berkata (yang seringkali dalam kampanye) tentang "reformasi birokrasi" dan "Integritas hukum" - Apakah ini yang mereka maksud? Apakah ini strategi yang direncakan? Jika bukan, mengapa tidak ada usaha menghentikannya?

e)Apakah Presiden pernah berkonsultasi dengan sesiapa saja anggota dari cabang pemerintahan lain - DPR/MK/MA ? (sebagai pertanyaan tambahan, apakah kepemimpinan Parta Demokrat pernah tahu tentang hal ini?)

f) Apakah Anda (dan para Penasihat terdekat Presiden) mengira telah memberikan Presiden saran terbaik Anda? Apakah Anda dapat menyebutkan nama Penasihat yang memberikan pertimbangan kepada Presiden tentang hal ini?

Terakhir, sekedar penasaran, di Tahun 2009 sudah berapa hari Presiden tinggal di Cikeas? Seingat saya, ketika Reformasi sedang hangat-hangatnya, Kepemimpinan Indonesia sepakat memulai tradisi baru, dimana Presiden memerintah dari Istana dan media tidak akan lagi menyatakan tempat tinggal pribadi sebagai basis kekuasaan. Saya penasaran apakah Anda memiliki pendapat tentang hal ini.

Best regards,

Fello Citizen

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